How to Become an Excellent Salon Receptionist

Aesthetics Daily – People prefer to visit a beauty salon or spa for relaxation. At the salon, they get various pampering treatments including haircut, manicure and pedicure, coloring, hair spa and other services. They do not hesitate to splurge money in appreciation of themselves.

At certain times in a densely populated area, the salon may look busier than usual. That’s why beauty salons hire receptionists to handle clients. They do a variety of jobs from arranging client schedules with a hairstylist to ensuring that clients are served well.

Usually, when clients call the salon or arrive at the salon, the receptionist is the first person they meet. Therefore, you could say the salon receptionist is the face of salon. The clients’ perception and satisfaction of the salon can be determined by how well the receptionist  treats them.

The recepcionist is one of marketing tools that every salon owner should pay more attention to. Investing in the reception team will help attract new clients, increase sales and customer loyalty.

What Does A Salon Receptionist Do?

The main task of salon receptionists in general is to provide the best possible service to customers. The salon receptionist provides all the information related to the services and products offered to consumers, both face-to-face and by telephone.

Therefore, the receptionist must have complete knowledge of existing treatments. If the client is not sure about the treatment to be taken, the receptionist must be able to provide explanations and recommendations to the client. In addition, the receptionist does scheduling, takes calls, answers emails, offers drinks to clients during their wait as well as manages the customer database.

Useful Tips for A Salon / Spa Receptionist

1. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Greet clients in a friendly manner

When clients approach the reception desk, greet them with genuine smiles. If you are doing an activity, stop right away. You can continue your work afterwards. Position your body facing the client and immediately ask what you can do for them.

When someone else comes while you are serving a client, give him a nod with a smile to sit down or wait a moment. The important thing for you to do, do not ignore every time there are clients even though they are come later and are in the queue.

2. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Give clients full attention

You have to create an extraordinary first impression as soon as the client enters the salon area. Don’t turn around suddenly, leaving the client in front unless you’ve asked permission. Give full attention to clients by not chatting with coworkers.

Prioritize clients who are in front of your eyes even if a telephone rings. Let the call go to voicemail, then call straight back to the caller as soon as the client moves away from you.

how to be beauty salon spa receptionist customer service staff employee

3. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Provide a quick solution

Busy salons often keep hairstylists on a tight schedule. As a receptionist, you must know the exact schedule of the hairstylist. Set a schedule as soon as possible to the client when the hairstylist has an empty slot.

This method can only be done when you communicate directly with clients either by telephone or in a face-to-face encounter. This is different if the client orders through a website or application where clients can determine by themselves the day and time they want.

4. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Call client’s name

The first step the receptionist should take is to address the client by their name. This will psychologically give a special warmth when clients know their name is called. However, don’t overdo it because it will sound insincere.

5. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Say thank you

Never forget to thank clients for visiting the salon even when they are not ordering a service. While this might seem like a small and easy thing to do, it makes a big difference. Clients will feel valued as soon as they leave the salon.

6. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Pay attention to proper body language

To show that you are really paying attention, make regular eye contact. Eye contact is the easiest way to appreciate the consumer’s presence. However, don’t look like you are glaring at the client as this will actually make them feel uncomfortable and intimidated.

Keep your head and back up so that you look full of enthusiasm. Smile as often as possible to relieve stiffness or tension during work. Body language as a form of non-verbal communication must be harmonized with your tone of voice. Create a tone of voice that sounds cheerful and enthusiastic even when you are dealing with a client who tends to be grumpy.

7. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Answer phone calls quickly

Pick up and answer phone calls as quickly as possible ideally on the 3rd ring. Record customer data including telephone numbers, names, and addresses in a notebook. This is especially useful when you can’t access salon software.

Never leave the caller without first asking for permission. Even if you are on the phone and not face to face, the client can sense when you are smiling. This will instill comfort in their heart.

8. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Provide the latest information

The salon may update its services at certain times. It is the receptionist’s job to convey information directly. Even though the salon may already have a social media account or website, the salon receptionist must still explain it clearly to the client.

The receptionist must also have the ability to do cross-selling. When a client takes a haircut, try offering other services such as a facial or hair spa. Cross-selling is a way of selling different salon services to provide additional benefits to customers.

9. Tips for Salon Receptionist – Offer a drink

Clients may feel bored while waiting for their turn. Offer them a drink or give a sign that you are paying attention to them. Chat with them about light things. However, avoid talking that leads to gossip that will ruin the salon’s image.

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